5 Tips for Shopping at Thrift Stores

I have to admit: I love thrifting. I mean love it. It’s satisfying to nab a great find at a great price — or maybe that’s just me. Ha ha.

I live minutes away from Goodwill, which is not a good thing. I take my daughter to school twice a week and her school is only a minute away so I figure since I’m already out and about, why not make a quick stop? 

There were maybe a couple times I left empty-handed.  If you ask my husband — “the minimalist” — he’d say we don’t “need” anything.  Talk about opposites, right?

I’ve been at this for more than a few years and here are some tricks I learned about thrift store shopping.

1. Shop when everything is 50% off – This is my favorite time to shop because I can really get awesome deals. My favorite thrift store is Goodwill because I can get new stuff from Target. I sign up on their facebook page so don’t miss sales.

2. Shop on Wednesdays. Salvation Army has 50% of items except for one color tag.

3. Senior citizen discount is an additional 10% off.  Go with your mother or mother-in-law.

4. Look for sale item tags. Salvation army offers 50% off tagged items and Goodwill 25%.

5. Visit the store weekly. If you are looking for specific decorations checking back regularly will give you better dibs on new stock. A couple of months ago I was looking for a patio table and lo and behold they had one for $20!

Do you have a favorite thrift store find?

Have fun thrifting!


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2 thoughts on “5 Tips for Shopping at Thrift Stores

  1. Stephanie says:

    I LOVE thrifting, too! It’s great to get a bargain and if I get tired of it, I can return it and know it will be sold again to support a good cause. 😁
    I’m glad you are getting a chance to have a little “me” time to do something you enjoy and give back to your family! ❤️

    1. Thank you, Steph. Yes, I’ve been thinking about doing this for a while now but I wasn’t sure if I could do it. It requires a lot of work but it helps that I get a little time when the kids are in school 🙂

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