This post is all about what products to use to clean grout. Do you have dirty grout? Do you want to make your tile grout look white again? In this post, I’ll show you what products I recommend to make your grout look new again.
Cleaning grout is something I don’t enjoy. Well, let me rephrase that. Cleaning bathrooms is one of my least favorite things to do. I know some people like cleaning but I dread it, especially cleaning shower tiles.
We renovated our bathrooms and replaced the flooring with tiles. Our main bathroom used to have a bathtub but we had leaking issues and decided to do a walk-in shower. I think tiles look better and prettier than bathtubs. However, it’s a pain to clean tile grout.
We chose small tiles for our main bathroom shower floors. I now regretted that decision because it takes a long time to clean the grout. I don’t clean it often enough that when I do, it’s harder to remove the dirt. On top of that, we have hardwater and that is making it more difficult to clean the grout.
I tried many different DIY grout cleaners like baking soda with vinegar and hydrogen peroxide and saw no improvement. I bought different products but nothing worked. I did some research and finally found the only product that works to clean our dirty tile grout.
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What is the product I recommend to whiten dirty old grout?
Zep Grout Cleaner and Brightener

Can I use Zep Grout Cleaner for colored grout?
Yes. It works for white and colored grout.

How do you use the product to clean grout?
Directions from the manufacturer: 1. Test the product in an inconspicuous area prior to use. 2. If grout has been sealed, it is recommended to remove the sealer with a strong stripper to prevent uneven cleaning results. 3. Apply to a 2’ x 2’ area to grout seam only. Allow 2-3 minutes for the product to penetrate. 4. Agitate product over stubborn stains with a grout brush or toothbrush. Do not allow the product to splash on nearby surfaces. 5. Rinse the area carefully with clean water.
I’m not sure if our contractor put sealer on the grout. I did not do anything to remove or strip the sealer. The product has a strong smell. I highly recommend wearing a mask and gloves when you use this product and turning on the vent.

What tools to use to clean tile grout?
I found this Rubbermaid battery-powered scrub brush on Instagram and many bloggers swear by it. I was curious and decided to buy one to try it out. I was surprised that the brush works so well to clean grout. I was using a hand scrub brush for a long time. This makes cleaning grout a lot easier with less effort. The brush does all the work for you! Who wouldn’t like that, right?
In my experience, using both of these products will give you great results. Don’t get me wrong, you can use an old toothbrush too but the Rubbermaid scrub brush is more powerful and much more effective in cleaning tile grout.
Here’s the before.


I hope this post was helpful on how to clean and make your grout tile look new or white again.
Let me know if you have any other suggestions below. I’d love to hear it!
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